BeaconAir Portable Pi

Raspberry Pi
Portable Raspberry Pi
BeaconAir Portable Pi

BeaconAir iBeacon Portable Pi

Here is a picture of the completed BeaconAir Portable Pi project.  It’s not much to look at, but it works.  BeaconAir is a Raspberry Pi based project that reads the advertising packets coming from iBeacons and roughly calculates the physical position of BeaconAir by Trilateration.  Trilateration is the method of determining the position of a point, given the distance  to three control points.

BeaconAir Logo

In the BeaconAir case, we wait until we see three iBeacons and then we determine our position based on the relative strengths of the signals compared to their transmitted power at 1M.


Below is a mis-sized MouseAir 3D printed box (more on that later) containing 5 iBeacons.  Three Estimote iBeacons and two Particle (KST Technologies) iBeacons.

iBeacons BeaconAir
A Bevy of Beacons

An iBeacon advertising packet looks like this (after being read and parsed by our python iBeacon scanning software):


The values are:

  • Beacon MAC Address:
  • iBeacon UDID
  • iBeacon Major Number
  • iBeacon Minor Number
  • TX Power at 1m
  • RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication)

Comparing the Tx Power at 1m (-74) to the RSSI of -78, you can see that the iBeacon is a little more than 1m from your current position. Understand that there are a lot of things that can interfere with this reading. Your body, humidity, other people in the room, furniture, cats, etc. It’s not very accurate. More on determining approximate distance and position next week.

Here is my RasPiConnect BeaconAir control panel showing the location of the Pi with a red pin.  I love control panels.

BeaconAir RasPiConnect Control Panel
BeaconAir RasPiConnect Control Panel

1 Comment

  1. Dear John,

    It’s very interested topic. Thanks you for your post.
    How do you calculate distance and position ? Do you use this formula ?

    protected static double calculateAccuracy(int txPower, double rssi) {
    if (rssi == 0) {
    return -1.0; // if we cannot determine accuracy, return -1.

    double ratio = rssi*1.0/txPower;
    if (ratio < 1.0) {
    return Math.pow(ratio,10);
    else {
    double accuracy = (0.89976)*Math.pow(ratio,7.7095) + 0.111;
    return accuracy;

    Thanks John.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. BeaconAir Hardware Block Diagram / iBeacons - SwitchDoc Labs
  2. BeaconAir On Raspberry Pi / iBeacon - SwitchDoc Labs

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