Arduino Software Released: WeatherRack Sensors / WeatherPiArduino

Arduino Software Released:  WeatherRack Sensors / WeatherPiArduino

Want to build your own Weather Station?

We have been working on the release of the Arduino drivers for the WeatherPiArduino andWPA-ArduinoMega_bbLogo

the WeatherRack Weather Sensors from SwitchDoc Labs.  The first release of the verification software and drivers are now on .  Below are some results of the WeatherRack running the WeatherPiArduino software on an Arduino.  Raspberry Pi drivers are coming up next.


The WeatherRack Weather Sensors are a set of sensors designed to measure your local

WeatherRack Weather Sensors
WeatherRack Weather Sensors

weather conditions. It is designed to interface with either your own board, or combine it with the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPiArduino board (available on to add a Barometer, Temperature Sensors, Real Time Clock, and optionally:  Lightning Sensor / Humidity / ADC.

How To Buy

SwitchDoc Labs is now shipping the WeatherRack Weather Sensors and the  WeatherPiArduino Weather board. They are now available on the SwitchDoc Labs Store, Amazon and

Software Output From WeatherPiArduino Test Program

You can see the wind speed, gust and wind direction from the WeatherRack. You can also

WeatherPiArduino Fully Populated
WeatherPiArduino Fully Populated

see the WeatherPiArduino DS3231 clock, BMP180 Barometer, the HTU21D-F, the Lightning Detector (more about that next week), the AT24C32 EEPROM and the FRAM.  You can also see some of the buffers being sent to the ArduinoConnect Control Panel (



windSpeedMin =0.00 windSpeedMax =9.60
windSpeedBuffer= 0.00^^ 1.80^^ 9.60^^ 3.60||0^^1^^2^^3
windGustMin =0.00 windGustMax =16.51
windGustBuffer= 0.00^^ 16.51^^ 13.77^^ 4.17||0^^1^^2^^3
windDirectionMin =0.00 windDirectionMax =270.00
windDirectionBuffer=135.00^^135.00^^ 0.00^^270.00||0^^1^^2^^3
currentWindSpeed=3.60 currentWindGust=4.17 Wind Direction=270.00 Cumulative Rain = 0.00 memory free=2340
DS3231 Clock
01:41:19, Date (D/M/Y) = 13/02/2015
Temperature= 21.25
Write 5 addresses with random numbers and read them back
Address: 0 Write:121
Address: 1 Write:1
Address: 2 Write:246
Address: 3 Write:137
Address: 4 Write:82
Address: 0 Read Value:121
Address: 1 Read Value:1
Address: 2 Read Value:246
Address: 3 Read Value:137
Address: 4 Read Value:82
Pressure: 951.36 hPa
Temperature: 21.20 C
Altitude: 528.51 m
Temperature: 22.35 C
Humidity: 42.29 %
Lightning Detection
irqSource: 0
2015-02-13 01:41:19, 3.60, 4.17,270.00, 3.05, 0.00, 21.25, 22.35, 21.20, 951.36, 0, 0.00