
Dual WatchDog Timer

SwitchDoc Labs Dual WatchDog Timer [include-page id=”buy-include-file”]   Production Dual WatchDog Board Why do you need a external Hardware WatchDog on an Arduino or Raspberry Pi? The reason is the internal watchdog is disabled in the boot loader for the […]


Wind Power and WeatherPiArduino in the Caribbean

Wind Power and WeatherPiArduino in the Caribbean Wind Power arrives again!  Down here in the Caribbean for sun, fun and Project Curacao upgrades.  Yesterday, we finished installing the WeatherPiArduino board into the Project Curacao Box and added the WeatherRack sensors to […]

Dual WatchDog
Arduino Software

Dead Man Switch

Dead Man Switch The Battery Watch Arduino software has expanded to about 3000 lines of code.  Guess what?  There are certainly bugs in this software.  One of the unresolved issues about the architecture of Project Curacao is that the software […]