Orchid Version of Smart Garden System Released

Smart Garden System

orchid smart garden systemOrchid Version of Smart Garden System Released

We have now released Orchid growing support on the Smart Garden System.

What is the the Smart Garden System?

The Smart Garden System allows you to build your own remote monitoring and management system for your indoor or outdoor garden.   Do you want to share your garden and the weather world wide?  You can learn the Raspberry Pi and how to connect to the real world through this easy to build no-soldering kit.   You can measure soil moisture and then use that as feedback to provide your plant or garden just the right amount of water.   Timed and manual controls are possible too. And you get lots of reports and data!    You can modify and configure you system to manage any size indoor or outdoor garden.

The Smart Garden System is a Raspberry Pi based system for controlling your garden with lights, pumps, valves and sensors.   It consists of two major parts, your Raspberry Pi and ESP32 based wireless remote sensor and valve control units.  All source code is provided and is open source for the Smart Garden System, Wireless Extenders and the Dash App.  SGS also supports valves and pumps (both USB 5V and 24 VDC to 250VAC and up to 10A).   We will be adding more sensors and hydroponics support.

What did we add for growing Orchids?

The main thing missing from the Smart Garden System for Orchids was the ability to skip a day or more of watering.   Orchids like to be watered several times a week, but not every day.   To accomplish this, we added a days of the week option for controlling watering.

We added Days of Week filtering to the Smart Garden System configuration screens.

And to the valve configuration report:


Orchid smart garden system


And also to the Next Event report:


orchid smart garden system