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Project Curacao

PC Solar Power Subsystem – Part 2

Project Curacao – Solar Power Subsystem NOTE:  The Solar Panel Charger Controller in this project has been replaced by a 3rd Generation Controller by SwitchDoc Labs called SunAir. The Subsystem The solar power subsystem consists of two solar panels, a […]

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Arduino Software

Software Description Done

We have published the description and architecture of the software system used for Project Curacao. Check out our Project Curacao Software Description page above.

Arduino Software

Software Status (02/19/14)

Our release software is done.  It’s been in final test for the past week now.  Here is the list of  issues and latest additions.As of today (02/19/14), the current state of the software in Project Curacao is as follows:– Arduino Battery […]

Arduino Software

Project Curacao Software Status (01/22/14)

We are approaching the final testing deadline (February 1st). As of today (01/22/14), the current state of the software in Project Curacao is as follows: – Arduino Battery Watchdog:   Control of the wind turbine (selection between solar and turbine). […]


Project Curacao Software Status (01/04/14)

We are now doing system testing on the control software.  We have tested battery voltage shutdowns/startups, watchdog shutdown/startups, and alarm based shutdowns/startups. Next, we have to test the deadman switch and add the 15W Wind Turbine.  Then the final testing […]

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Arduino Software

Where to find ProjectCuracao software

We have been asked where to find the most current software that has been released for ProjectCuracao. This software is hosted at github. There will be a new release this weekend.